Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 3, 2012

Opel brings more options, says Holden boss

Can Holden withstand another competitor in the form of its 'own' Opel?

GM affiliate Opel is scheduled for launch here later this year but arguably partner Holden doesn't need another competitor, especially considering the recent announcement regarding a rethink on anticipated domestic production potential.

However, Holden chief Mike Devereux was positive regarding the European brand's arrival in Australia.

"When you look at the likes of Peugeot, Renault, Citroen, VW in the world, there's a certain type of buyer that wants to buy one of those European cars."

Opel will "by and large be competing at higher  price points than similar platforms from Holden," he said. Devereux used the apparent Cruze-Astra clash as an example.

"Astra will be competing against European products that are two or three thousand dollars more expensive on a feature-by-feature basis than a similarly equipped Cruze. Also, the people buying those cars are a little bit different than those buying Mazda3, Corolla and Cruze... This year they will be among the top-selling cars in the country.

"For Opel to be successful in Europe they need to be seen as an international player. That's part of Opel's strategy for exporting vehicles."

In terms of internal conflict over sales, Devereux presented a win-win argument for Opel's introduction.

"Number one, there's money to be made and there's a slice of the market looking for European cars, and two: it helps their [Opel's] brand and credibility in their home market.

"I am sure that there's [at least] one person that will buy an Astra who would have bought a Cruze," he admitted. But there are those that will buy the Opel-badged Astra "because they might currently own a Holden Astra, and they just like their Astra and they want another one... Sure, that's going to happen but we don't see a lot of cannibalisation of Cruze sales and we expect Cruze to continue to be the powerhouse that it has been and will be."

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